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Privacy Policy

The developer does not collect any data from this application. Nobody, neither the developer nor third parties collect or read any type of information.

Note: Only in the Support Ticket Assistant app which is a tool which helps you prepare an email, temporarily collects, if you provide it at the time, the Name, Telephone and email address. The location is collected only at the time if you have given the app permission to use it while generating the email. This complete or partial information can be optionally added, deleted or modified by the app user before being shared in the sending of the email; If the email is sent by the user, the minimum necessary information shared is the sender email address, and this is shared only with the destination email address provided by the same user, which for the purposes of the functionality of that app, must be an entity trusted by the user who has previously received emails from the application user through other means; The user can cancel the activity at any time or edit the email before sending it.

If you have questions about any application from this developer, you can write through this contact form:


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